
Friday, 14 March 2014

Another Cold @ Snotcentral

Since my daughter got her chicken pox vaccine she's only been 100% well for 4 days altogether and it's been 2 months already. Today she has another full blown cold again. It's Snotcentral at home...

We've tried all the usual natural remedies such as Karval / Vicks rubs etc. but I have decided to tackle this head on today with the following combo:

1. No milk
2. Adding cinnamon and 1tsp of coconut oil to her rooibos tea instead. (both claim to be beneficial) For sore throats a dash of honey could be added too.
3. Saline solution for nosespray
4. A dash of sunshine (Vitamin D)
5. Added garlic to mealtimes.
6. Karval / Vicks rubbed on feet, chest and back.
7. Humidifier at night.
8. Ferr Phos Tissue Salts - for inflammation and fever and Nat Mur for Colds. 
9. Only give fever reducing medication if temperature is 38.4 and above. (It's recommended that you alternate Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen every 4 hours as needed to prevent the child from receiving too much of one medication.)

More info:'s/FEVER%20The%20things%20I%20have%20to%20know.pdf